
Journal F

The person who I respect is my grandmother. My grandmother is a person with the courtesy very much and she is always a smile. I have never watched my grandmother who was angry for herself. Even if my younger sister tore the shoji of the house of my grandmother, my grandmother did not scold my younger sister. My grandmother only smiled at my younger sister when she found that my younger sister tore the shoji. When I spilled juice, my grandmother did not scold me either. She only smiled. Even so, She is not an indulgent person. My grandmother will scold it if someone daes a wrong act. For example, be unbecomingly dressed or give trouble. I love such my grandmother.

1 件のコメント:

  1. You wrote that you don't understand why your older brother is lazy at school, but you wrote that your parents indulged him a lot when he was little. I think you *DO* have an idea about why he's become lazy!

    I **totally** agree about cats. They are still wild animals, I think. Most dogs are less wild, and won't scratch you. If a dog growls, you know it's dangerous. You **never** know what a cat will do. I'm a dog person, not a cat lover.

    Journal E = 280+ words = 7 APs!!!

    Your grandma sounds like an interesting mix of strict and forgiving!
    When you write in English, please explain words like "shoji".

    Journal F = 120+ words = 3 APs

    Mr. W.
